''Bali'' is an French-Canadian animated television series based on a series of French children's books by Magdalena and Laurent Richard published by Editions Flammarion. The show follows the adventures of Bali, a modern preschool puppy, his mom and dad, his little sister Lea and Kikou, his stuffed animal in a city apartment. Paris-based PlanetNemo has licensed the television program to more than 20 countries worldwide and has sold U.S. media and merchandising rights. In addition, Bali has had a stage show run in Paris. It aired on the PBS Kids Go! Channel in September 12, 2010 to March 6, 2011 and PBS Kids on September 1, 2013 to February 23, 2014. ==Book Titles== * ''Bali fait du vélo'' * ''Bali et Kikou, au bain!'' * ''Bali va à l'école'' * ''Bali dit non'' * ''Bali et ses petits trésors'' * ''Mon livre jeu Bali-Bali en vacances'' * ''Bali attend Noël'' * ''Bali a la varicelle'' * ''Bali va chez Nanou'' * ''Bali va à la mer'' * ''Soun dort chez Bali'' * ''Bali a un nouveau lit N. éd.'' * ''Bali pique-nique à la maison N. éd.'' * ''Bali prend son bain'' * ''Bali a un nouveau lit'' * ''Bali a une baby-sitter'' * ''Bali joue à cache-cache'' * ''Les plus belles histoires de Bali'' * ''Bali a la varicelle'' 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Bali (character)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク